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Harriet slept at hantfield that night .那天哈里特在哈特菲爾德過夜。

You don't mind sleeping in that bed, do you ?你睡那張牀,不在乎吧

My spirits exhausted i slept very soundly .因精神疲憊,我睡得很酣。

We cannot afford to sleep away our life .我們可沒有時間整天睡大覺。

They dissipate all night and sleep all day .他們白天睡覺,整夜鬼混。

I was very sleepy and went back to sleep .當時我很瞌睡,又睡覺了。

The church bells keep me from sleeping .教堂的鐘聲吵得我睡不着覺。

His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep .他因缺少睡眠而兩眼通紅。

The continuous din made sleep impossible .不斷的爆炸聲使人不得入睡。

I watched for a while and then went to sleep .我望了一會兒睡去了。

It's best to let sleeping dogs run themselves .最好還是聽其自然。

You will have to get used to broken sleep .你還必須習慣於零碎的睡覺。

Please do n't disturb me while i am sleeping ..我睡覺時請不要打擾我。

He dozed fitfully, and then slept .他間斷地打着盹,接着就睡着了。

The baby was rocked to sleep in a cradle .嬰兒在搖籃裏被搖得睡着了。

TAG標籤:sleep 延續性 動詞 #